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fiona may造句

"fiona may"是什么意思  
  • British-born Italian Fiona May won the silver with a jump of 6.94.
  • Italian Fiona May scored 6.83 meters to win the women's long jump.
  • The event was won by Italy's Fiona May with 6 . 98.
  • Italy's Fiona May won the long jump with a best of 6.74 meters.
  • The silver medal went to Fiona May of Italy, who jumped 22-8 {.
  • World champion Lyudmila Galkina outdueled Italy's Fiona May in the women's long jump.
  • Fiona may touch Mick's heart, but neither of them ever touches the viewer's.
  • Fiona May was the defending world champion and Chioma Ajunwa the reigning Olympic champ.
  • British-born Italian Fiona May won the silver with a jump of 6 . 94.
  • Fiona May of Italy won her second consecutive silver, and Jones won the bronze.
  • It's difficult to see fiona may in a sentence. 用fiona may造句挺难的
  • The silver went to Fiona May of Italy at 7.02 ( 23-0 1-2 ).
  • The event was won by Italy's Fiona May with 6.98.
  • British-born Italian Fiona May, the 1995 world champion, was leading until the next-to-last jump.
  • Defending champion Fiona May of Italy finished ninth . rac
  • She easily defeated former two-time Italian world champion Fiona May, who jumped 6.69 meters.
  • Fiona May might be heading here to close her career.
  • While Jones retained her composure, Italy's Fiona May did not.
  • Italian Fiona May scored 6 . 83 meters to win the women's long jump.
  • Fiona May of Italy won the the silver medal with a jump of 23-0 {.
  • Defending champion Fiona May of Italy took the bronze.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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